Was playing frisbee with yap dom ivan max and vd. Everything was going fine then i went to the car to put my stuff and ran back to meet the gang. then i found dom and ivan laughing hysterically. i jumped down and stared towards their direction. Lo and behold' a fellow RJ-ian ( sec school undisclosed to protect privacy) was sleeping on a bench.
His chest was rising and falling, like a gentle rhythm.. it was a blissful sleep, with the Z-monster.(econs econs). But i looked. i stared. And it struck me.
Moments later i was on the floor hysterical with dom and ivan, guffawing like completed idiots, also known otherwise as ***n***.
Sure his chest was rising, but he wasn't female, who cares?
But it wasn't the only thing that was rising.
And the other thing was definitely not falling anytime soon.
Yes, i present to you the pioneer of the IDAC -- Indoor Adventure Club
Yes, males only, for anatomical reasons
Yes, there is only one objective-- pitching tents
Yes, you guessed it, the only camping item we need short pants.
And our great pioneer wad blissfully oblivious to the fact that his brother had pitched a tent in his lower limb regions, and was in fact, about 3 cm closer to space.
Now as analytical students, we must examine the situation at hand.
Why was the tent pitched?
Could it be the Z-monster at work? Is that why our econs lecturer hates the Z-monster?
Could it be just the instinctive nature for all stems to grow towards sunlight?
Could it be for fresh air?
U see, thats why we have to study econs.
By choosing to believe in the z-monster, we have chosen to deny man's hormanal nature.
This is also known as OPPORTUNITY COST.
Man has unlimited wants. Its true. Check out all the concubines.
However, there are limited RESOURCES. Its true.
Thus here arises the problem of SCARCITY.
Thus we can conclude that because lil' brudda was facing a lack of RESOURCS, he truely felt the pains of SCARCITY. As such, he chose to embrace and reach for the sun/sky/outerspace, by erecting a TENT.
The OPPORTUNITY COST, of course, it that his older brother is now the laughing stock of god knows how many pple.