Thursday, January 19, 2006

Go visit this site today it's rlli interesting:, and do post ur uh proud creations if u have any. It would be amusing to watch i hope.
Btw, thought this was quite cool.

Today was a fun day in general la. The bio lecture was way cool, about WHALES, and so many suggestive terms. Lol it was sucha joke esp when he said some theory of whale's brains storing sperms gave rise to moby->dick<. And as usual, me yy and parren had our "tuck" jokes. Rofl.

Had alchemy soc in the evening; figured that since I'd already ponned the first session of one cca, I shouldn't make myself rejected by the rest I signed up for. But it was fun la, none of the brainy sorta thing, at least not this week. Did some wacko and uh some bingo thing, brainless but uh kindo fun.

And...-dom is feeling quite happy today- XD


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