Saturday, January 28, 2006


Bleh finally able to post. Blogger has been against me for the past 2 days. gr annoyingness.

left my msn on while i went to sch today... and then saw an invite for DoTA. o.O quirky. lol so uber lag already haha. anyway.. i might be able to dota with some guys here! lol

i'm missing home rather badly now. missing people, places, school and guess i'm being affected by some people around me and things. and i think i'm changing a bit too quickly than i would like myself to change? somehow things are becoming wierder and stranger around me. guess now we all have a new set of problems.. identity crisis?

Its just strange i guess. having to rebuild myself, my character, and my personality to people i don't know. And in this process of rebuilding, am i trying to cover up my flaws?

well... i realllllyyy miss everyone haha. i <3 bearfrens cos i can talk all sorts of crap with u guys here... especially since i only can chat with u guys mostly on wkends.

oh well. feeling disturbed and strange. ergh.


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