
this is pic of the stuff that was dumped on yirui's head during one cle lesson last year when lord lim asked us to sleep -.- but well dom and i were very awake and dumped alot of rubbish on yirui's head and shoulders lol. wonder if this kind of thing will still happen in jc. requirements:
1. free time
2. somebody sleeping
3. rubbish
4. a guailan heck-care teacher
im freakin shagged cos i get home at like 9pm on mon, wed and fri -.-
the thing about jc is you have to study else youre quite nahbeied you wont know anything and during tutorials your tutor might not scold you but you wont know a shit anyway argh this is sth that needs some getting used to.
but some lessons are quite interesting la. like econs lectures they rock la lagman is damn good but sadly we're going to the nxt topic in like 3 more lectures or sth so will change lecturer. tutorials are quite fun my tutor is also my civics tutor and she's nice. and i find econs itself to be quite interesting. gp is interesting too i guess.
eh we should really salute those teachers that make lectures and tutorials more entertaining lor. rjc is like the land of damn stupid humour ive nvr really like laughed like hell at any of the jokes the teachers make just go like WTF -.- but theyre good. its much better than just teaching an old topic it'll be very... dry?
yamies is right. nobody runs around anymore. that kindof sux.
anyway damit la i dun really find myself having alot of time to think about random stuff happening around me. need time to like go through my notes or sth.. tmrw i end at 12.30 need to plan my time properly.
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