Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Pong Your Head LA!

Its called art not pong. and all these stuff not i invent one all my adult frens tell me those stuff oO.

Ok lets talk about power.

Power to think.
Power to insult.
Power to control.
Power to protect.
Power to destroy.

What power do you have? do you have an iron fist?! lol! I sure don't!

But i can do all of the above, number 3 to a much lesser extent. i'm not sure about 1, i may be stupid, but 2 and 5? sure thing.

polytfe's author is extremely ego centric. Why? lets see.

"Probably I am destined to be a loner. I have hardly, or even at all, any friends. All the so-called "friends", or I would call them 'acquaintances', are with me because it is in their interests to be with me. People who stick to me because my results are better, people who talk to me because I have the power to control certain things, people who stick with me because I could influence the teacher's decisions sometimes (back in primary school). Name it, I have probably seen it. My first brush with reality was back in primary 3. After I failed to top the class, I noticed that some of my 'friends' started to leave me."

Sure, if the whole world revolves around you, your frens are sure to spin off your orbit.

so my response is that power should be shared. One bullet may not crush teflon, but WE can do it. WE can rip apart his ego to shreds. WE can break him down mentally. WE can form a united front again this skumbag. WE can offer his a glimpse of hope and slam him back to reality.

so, WE will prevail over I.


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