BGR ( Bearfren and Girl Rumours)
Today we started the day with econs.
Great lesson i must say. Went to our exact same old seat, and sat down next to dom. Ningrui sat down behind me. Then other people filled in the seats.
Not just random other pple. Dom's beloved and ningrui's cruzh were within close proxmity of me and them. However i chose to leave ningrui alone and embarked on torturing dom throughout the course of the lesson.
At least thats what i thought. But evidently Dom's mood couldn't have been better.
Here's the event that transpired.
1) Dom receives package from said person
2) Ivan's eyes pops out.
3) xb's eyes pops out
4) yy starts to guffaw
5) dom stares at yy
6) dom fails to hide his positive grin from ear to ear
7) yy teases dom and dom fakes a scared grin but in reality he is totally happy.
at this point dom mentions to me that
maybe it wanst from her
so it means it was just and excuse for conversation.
In other words dom must be so happy he could die on the spot.
And wtf he told me he went to "sleep"
Wonder what transpired.
Then of course for ningrui wtf james chan manly tell eechong.
Now the whole of SO3G like asking me, especially benny and shenglin... wtf! thanks la.
Well but in anycase heavenly king and king dom have found their loves. Congrats.
Koi Koi!

and thank you fel for buying black cat for me. I bz person. so cannot go down tenchi for now.
Great lesson i must say. Went to our exact same old seat, and sat down next to dom. Ningrui sat down behind me. Then other people filled in the seats.
Not just random other pple. Dom's beloved and ningrui's cruzh were within close proxmity of me and them. However i chose to leave ningrui alone and embarked on torturing dom throughout the course of the lesson.
At least thats what i thought. But evidently Dom's mood couldn't have been better.
Here's the event that transpired.
1) Dom receives package from said person
2) Ivan's eyes pops out.
3) xb's eyes pops out
4) yy starts to guffaw
5) dom stares at yy
6) dom fails to hide his positive grin from ear to ear
7) yy teases dom and dom fakes a scared grin but in reality he is totally happy.
at this point dom mentions to me that
maybe it wanst from her
so it means it was just and excuse for conversation.
In other words dom must be so happy he could die on the spot.
And wtf he told me he went to "sleep"
Wonder what transpired.
Then of course for ningrui wtf james chan manly tell eechong.
Now the whole of SO3G like asking me, especially benny and shenglin... wtf! thanks la.
Well but in anycase heavenly king and king dom have found their loves. Congrats.
Koi Koi!

and thank you fel for buying black cat for me. I bz person. so cannot go down tenchi for now.
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